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The Great Depression in American History Rabourn B4

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The Great Depression in American History Rabourn B4 Empty The Great Depression in American History Rabourn B4

Post  aqalieh95 Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:39 pm

The Great Depression

  • Demand for new houses slowed down
  • There is less demand for cars, workers get laid off
  • Farmers' income plummets, can't repay their loans or buy new equipment anymore
  • Wealthy people bought stocks and didn't do anything to improve the condition of the unemployed
  • Businesses kept costs hight but wages low, so they had less sales
  • Foreign banks couldn't pay off loans to the US

  • The Stock Market crashed in 1929
  • Lots of people lost their savings, and went in debt
  • Andrew Mellon convinced the president to make the government do nothing about the crash
  • Hoover helped people get loans after all the damage was done, and increased taxes and tariffs which made the situation worse

  • Businesses avoided taxes and caused corruption
  • Capitalism was blamed for not being adaptable and efficient at distributing resources
  • Europe caused debts in the US when they were not able to pay off their WWI loans
  • Hoover wasn't a good president - he gave support to financial institutes rather than individuals, was not flexible, and caused widespread unemployment and shanty towns.
Key Points
  • Change in the lifestyles of blacks, the young, and women
  • Productivity boom and cautious spending later, after the Great Depression
  • Problems in agriculture after WWI because foreign demand fell
  • Weaker unions destabilized employment and lowered wages and working conditions
  • Hoover was laissez-faire and didn't protect the national economy
  • The Wall Street Crash began the Great Depression and destabilized normal lives
  • The President in 1932 after Hoover would have to solve the myriad of problems with no obvious solutions.

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Join date : 2010-05-05
Age : 29


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